Scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, school of Scalloped hammerheads, Malpelo Island, Columbia
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadSphyrna lewini, Bogenstirn Hammerhai, Schule von Bogenstirn Hammerhaien, Hammerhaie, scalloped hammerhaed shark, school of Scalloped hammerheads, sharks, Insel Malpelo, Kolumbien, Ost Pazifik, Malpelo Island, Colombia, East Pacific Ocean, Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo, UNESCO Weltnaturerbe, Malpelo Nature Reserve, World Heritage Site
- Filename
- wpo_d031800.jpg
- Copyright
- Poelzer Wolfgang
- Image Size
- 5400x3586 / 5.3MB
Zygaena lewini Scalloped hammerhead southern hammerheadshark kidneyheaded Kidney headed shark hammer head Kidney-headed shark Elasmobranchii Selachii Galeomorphii Carcharhiniformes bonnethead or scoophead sharks Sphyrnidae Gekerbte Hammerhai Gebuchteter Hammerhai Hai Bogenstirn-Hammerhai Sphyrna lewini school of Scalloped hammerheads Fische Fisch swarm fishes school of fish school shoal Schwarmfisch Fischschule Schule Schwarm Fischschwarm schule von Fischen hammerheads hammerhead sharks Haie Hammerhaie landscape underwater underwaterlandscape underwaterworld world water wasser unter unterwasser unterwasserlandschaft unterwasserwelt landschaft welt under predator beast of prey Raeuber Räuber Raubfisch Raubtier life sea marine ocean aquatic wild maritim wildlife sealife oceanlife marinelife marinefish Sea Meer Meeres Meeres-Fisch Meeresfisch fish World Heritage Site Malpelo Nature Reserve UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo East Pacific Ocean Colombia Malpelo Island Ost Pazifik Kolumbien Insel Malpelo Isla de Malpelo Pazifischer Ozean Ost Pazifik UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe horizontal querformat Weltnaturerbe UNESCO sharks bonnethead or scoophead shark Bogenstirn Hammerhai sphyrna lewini
- Contained in galleries
- Sharks, Malpelo