Gold coral, Savalia savaglia and scuba diver, Lastovo, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Kornati Islands, Dalmatia, Croatia
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadParamuricea clavata, Savalia savaglia Syn: Gerardia savaglia, Rote Gorgonie und Gelbe Strauchkoralle und Taucher, Small polyped red gorgonian or violescent sea-whip and Gold coral with scuba diver, Lastovo, Adria, Adriatisches Meer, Mittelmeer, Dalmatien, Kroatien, Lastovo, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Dalmatia, Croatia
- Filename
- wpo_d052164.jpg
- Copyright
- Poelzer Wolfgang
- Image Size
- 5315x3703 / 9.6MB
gorgonia scuba diving scuba diver Adriatic Sea Mediterranean Sea Croatia coralreef coral reef Savalia savaglia Gerardia savaglia Paramuricea clavata small polyped gorgonian red gorgonian sea whip violescent seawhip violescent sea-whip Cnidaria seafeather Sea feather Anthozoa Octocorallia Alcyonacea Holaxonia Plexauridae Rote Gorgonie Farbwechselnde Gorgonie Paramuricea chamaeleon Gold Coral false black coral Savaliidae Parazoanthidae Macrocnemina Zoantharia Hexacorallia Krustenanemone Strauchkoralle false blackcoral Goldcoral Mediterranean zoanthid Koralle Riffe Riff Korallen-Riff Korallenriffe Korallenriff Korallen tauchen taucher gorgonian gorgonians fan coral fancoral seafans seafan sea fans Sea fan seawhips seawhip sea whips seapens sea pens sea pen Scleraxonia Netzfächer Gelber Netzfaecher Faecher Fächer Faechergorgonie Fächergorgonie sessile colonial cnidarians Hornkoralle Hornkorallen Gorgonienfaecher Gorgonienfächer Seefaecher Seefächer Gorgonien Gorgonacea Gorgonie naturepark nature park Naturpark landscape underwater underwaterlandscape underwaterworld world under water unterwasser unterwasserlandschaft unterwasserwelt landschaft welt Dalmatia Island Lastovo Kroatien Dalmatien Insel Lastovo Mittelmeer Adriatisches Meer Adria marine life ocean life aquatic wild life sea life maritim wildlife sealife oceanlife marinelife Nature Park Island Lastovo Naturpark Insel Lastovo Naturpark Lastovo
- Contained in galleries
- Croatia, Mediterranean Sea