Whale shark with Remoras, Rhincodon typus, Remora remora, Malpelo Island, Columbia
Add to Cart Add to Lightbox DownloadRhincodon typus, Remora remora, Walhai mit Schiffshalter, Whale shark with Remoras, Insel Malpelo, Kolumbien, Ost Pazifik, Malpelo Island, Colombia, East Pacific Ocean, Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo, UNESCO Weltnaturerbe, Malpelo Nature Reserve, World Heritage Site
- Filename
- wpo_d040938.jpg
- Copyright
- Poelzer Wolfgang
- Image Size
- 7360x4912 / 26.6MB
whale shark whaleshark Chordata Chondrichthyes Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Galeomorphii Ammenhaiartige Rhincodontidae Hai Walhai Rauhhai Carpet shark bigest largest big large größter größte groesster groesste gross filtern filtrierer filter feeding Rhincodon typus Shark sucker sharksucker shark-sucker short suckerfish Common remora Brown sucker pilot sharkpilot Stout suck fish nubifera remeligio borboniensis remoroides parva squalipeta postica remeligo Echeneis remora pelagic Echeneidae Schiffhalter Schiffshalter remora remora pentalineatus Micristodus punctatus Rhinodon typicus Rhineodon Rhicodon Rhiniodon freischwimmen Pelaisch Pelagial pelagisch pelagos freischwimmend Freiwasser landscape underwater underwaterlandscape underwaterworld world water wasser unter unterwasser unterwasserlandschaft unterwasserwelt landschaft welt under coralreef coral reef coral-reef Riffe Riff Korallen-Riff Korallenriffe Korallenriff Koralle korallen life sea marine ocean aquatic wild maritim wildlife sealife oceanlife marinelife marinefish Sea Meer Meeres Meeres-Fisch Meeresfisch Fisch fish World Heritage Site Malpelo Nature Reserve UNESCO Weltnaturerbe Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo East Pacific Ocean Colombia Malpelo Island Ost Pazifik Kolumbien Insel Malpelo Isla de Malpelo Pazifischer Ozean Ost Pazifik UNESCO-Weltnaturerbe horizontal querformat Weltnaturerbe UNESCO symbiosis symbiosys symbiotic symbiose
- Contained in galleries
- Sharks, Malpelo
![Rhincodon typus, Remora remora, Walhai mit Schiffshalter, Whale shark with Remoras, Insel Malpelo, Kolumbien, Ost Pazifik, Malpelo Island, Colombia, East Pacific Ocean, Santuario de Fauna y Flora Malpelo, UNESCO Weltnaturerbe, Malpelo Nature Reserve, World Heritage Site](https://www.underwater-photos.net/img-get2/I0000s_f72Uq6IvI/fit=1000x750/wpo-d040938.jpg)